半规管 Semicircular canal
半面痉挛 Hemifacial spasm 贝尔氏面瘫 Bell’s palsy 鼻瓣 Nasal valve 鼻阈 Nasal threshold 鼻咽静脉丛 Nasopharyngeal venous plexus 鼻侧切开术 Lateral rhinotomy 鼻出血 Epistaxis 鼻的胚胎发育 Embryology of nose 鼻囊肿 Cyst of nose 鼻炎 Rhinitis 萎缩性 atropic 鼻窦炎 Paranasal sinusitis 并发症 complication 眶内并发症 orbital complication 颅内并发症 intracranial complication 鼻息肉 nasal polyps 鼻真菌病 Rhinomycosis 鼻腔良性肿瘤 Nasal cavity benign neoplasm 鼻腔恶性肿瘤 Nasal cavity malignant neoplasm 鼻窦粘液囊肿 Paranasal sinuses mucocele 鼻骨骨折 Nasal bone fractrue 鼻和鼻窦外伤 Nasal and sinuses trauma 鼻疖 Furuncle of nose 鼻内镜 Nasal endoscope 鼻内镜外科 Nasal endoscopic surgery 鼻外筛窦切除术 External ethmoidectomy 鼻前庭炎 Nasal vestibulitis 鼻腔持续正压通气 Nasal continuous positive airway pressure 鼻测压法 Rhinomanometry 鼻前庭囊肿 Nasal vestibular 鼻小柱 Nasal Columella 鼻咽癌 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 鼻咽纤维血管瘤 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 鼻咽纤维镜检查 Fibronasopharyngoscopy 鼻异物 Foreign body of nose 鼻中隔成形术 Septuplasty 鼻中隔穿孔 Perforation of nasal septum 鼻中隔 Little区 Little’s area of nasal septum 鼻粘膜纤毛输送系统 Mucociliary transport system 鼻阻力 Nasal airway resistance 鼻周期 nasal cycle 扁桃体 tonsil 切除术 tonsillectomy 周围脓肿 peritonsillar abscess 恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of tonsil 扁桃体炎 Tonsillitis 病灶性 focus 变应性鼻炎 Allergic rhinitis 变应性鼻窦炎 Allergic sinusitis 真菌性鼻窦炎 Fungal sinusitis 迟发性膜迷路积水 Delayed membranous labyrinthine hydrops 传导性聋 Conductive deafness 锤骨 Malleus 垂体瘤 Pituitary adenoma 纯音听力测试 Pure tone audiometry 切迹 Carhart Carhart’s notch 耵聍栓塞 Cerumen 胆脂瘤 Cholesteatoma 外耳道 external acoustic meatus 中耳炎 otitis media 胆固醇肉芽肿 Cholesteatoma granuloma 镫骨 Stapes 镫骨切除术 Stapedectomy 导抗测听 Acoustic immittance measurement 短增量敏感指数试验 Short increment sensitivity index test 电反应测听 Electric response audiometry 蝶窦 Sphenoid sinuses 蝶窦开放 Sphenoidectomy 窦口鼻道复合体 Ostiomeatal complex 多项睡眠描记 Polysomnogram 耳鼻喉科 Otolaryngology 额镜 Head mirror 腭咽成形术 Palatopharyngoplasty 耳的解剖 Anatomy of ear 颞骨 temporal bone 外耳 external ear 前庭 vestibule 耳蜗 cochlea 半规管 semicircular canal 蜗神经 cochlea nerve 耳道炎 Otitis external auditory canal 先天性耳前瘘管 Congenital preauricular fistula 耳廓假性囊肿 Pseudocyst of auricle 耳硬化症 Otosclerosis 耳声发射 Otoaustic emission 耳蜗电图 Electrocochleogram 耳鸣 Tinnitus 耳聋 Deafness 先天性 congenital 感音神经性 sensorineural 传导性 conductive 遗传性 genetic 噪声性 noise-induced 耳毒性 ototoxic 突发性 sudden 老年性 prebyacousis 感染性 infective 自身免疫性 autoimmune 耳蜗植入 Cochlea implant 分泌性中耳炎 Secretory otitis media 试验 Gelle’s Gelle’s test 鼓膜切开术 Myringgotomy 鼓室成形术 Tympanoplasty 喉科学 Laryngology 喉的软骨 Laryngeal cartilage 喉的韧带 Laryngeal ligament 喉肌 Laryngeal muscle 喉弹性圆锥 Elastic cone of larynx 喉间隙 Laryngeal space 喉癌 Laryngeal carcinoma 喉恶性肿瘤 Malignant tumor of larynx 喉咽部恶性肿瘤 Malignant tumor of laryngopharynx 喉蹼 Laryngeal webs 喉喘鸣 Laryngeal stridor 喉痉挛 Laryngeal spasm 喉阻塞 Laryngeal obstruction 喉异物 Foreign body of larynx 喉炎 Laryngitis 喉全切除术 Total laryngectomy 喉部分切除术 Partial laryngectomy 喉返神经麻痹 Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis 喉感觉障碍 Laryngeal paresthesia 海绵窦血栓性静脉炎 Thrombophlebitis of the cavernous 后鼻孔 Choanae, posterior nares 后鼻孔闭锁 Choanal atresia 呼吸道异物 Foreign body of airway 壶腹 Ampulla 环甲膜切开术 Coniotomy 会厌软骨 Epiglottic cartilage 急性会厌炎 Acute epiglottitis 急性喉气管支气管炎 Acute laryngotracheobronchitis 嵴顶结石症 Canalithiasis 甲状舌囊肿 Thyroglossal Cyst 颈淋巴结清扫术 Neck dissection 颈外动脉结扎术 Ligation of external carotid artery 颈静脉球体瘤 Glomus jugular tumor 茎突 Styloid process 颈部肿块 Neck masses 客观测听法 Objective audiometry 口咽癌 Oropharyngeal carcinoma 眶尖综合症 Orbital apex syndrome 梨状窝 Pyriform sinus 良性阵发性位置性眩晕 benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 颅底外科 Surgery of skull-base 螺旋器 Spiral organ 迷路炎 Labyrinthitis 迷路瘘管 Labyrinthine fistula 迷路窗膜破裂 membranous ruptures of labyrinthine window 迷路切除术 Labyrinthectomy 面神经 facial nerve 面瘫 Facial nerve paralysis 面神经减压术 Facial nerve decompression 面神经畸形 Facial nerve anomalies 脑脊液漏 Cerebrospinal leaks 脑膜脑膨出 Encephalomeningocele 内淋巴囊手术 Endolymphatic sac surgery 平衡试验 Equilibrium test 平稳跟踪试验 smooth pursuit test 气管科学 Bronchology 气管镜 tracheoscopy 气管异物 foreign bodies of trachlea 气管内插管 Endotracheal intubation 气管切开术 Tracheotomy 前庭水管 Vestibular aqueduct 前庭生理 Vestibular physiology 前庭眼反射 Vestibulo-ocular reflex 前庭性眼振 Vestibular nystagmus 前庭代偿 Vestibular compensation 前庭习服 Vestibular rehabilitation 前庭功能检查 Vestibular functional test 前庭诱发电位 Vestibular evoked potential 前庭性眩晕 Vestibular vertigo 前庭神经元炎 Vestibular neuronitis 前庭神经切断术 Vestibular neuroctomy 桥小脑角 Cerebellopontine angle 球后视神经炎 Retrobulbar 任克间歇 Reinke’s space 乳突根治术 Radical mastoidectomy 乳突炎 Mastoiditis 隐蔽性 Masked 鳃源性瘘管及囊肿 Branchial fistula and cyst 扫视试验 Saccade test 筛前神经 Anterior ethmoid nerve 筛前动脉 Anterior ethmoid artery 上颌窦囊肿 Cyst of maxillary sinus 上颌窦根治术 Caldwell-Luc’s operation 上颌动脉结扎术 Internal maxillary artery ligation 上颌窦穿刺 Puncture of maxillary sinus 声带息肉 Polyp of vocal cord 声带小结 vocal nodes 声门上癌 Supraglottic carcinoma 声门癌 Glottic carcinoma 声门下癌 Subglottic carcinoma 神经电图检查 Electroneurography 神经兴奋性试验 Nerve excitability 食管科学 Esophagology 食管异物 foreign body 嗓音疾病 Voice disorder 听骨链 Ossicular chain 听觉皮层 Auditory cortex 听觉反射通道 Auditory central pathway 听觉生理 Physiology of audiology 听功能 Audiologic function 音叉试验 tuning fork tests 纯音测听 pure tone audiometry 声导抗测听 acoustic immittance measurement 电反应测听 electric response audiometry 耳声发射 otoacoustic emission 听神经瘤 Acoustic neuroma 吞咽困难 Dysphagia 外耳道闭锁 Atresia of external acoustic meatus 外耳道胆脂瘤 Cholesteatoma of external acoustic meatus 外耳道耵聍栓塞 Impact cerumen 外淋巴漏 Perilymph fistula 位置性试验 Positional test 位置性眩晕 Positional vertigo 蜗神经 Cochlear nerve 蜗后性聋 Retrocochlear deafness 眩晕外科治疗 Surgical treatment of vertigo 内淋巴囊手术 endolymphatic sac surgery 迷路切除术 labyrinthectomy 旋转试验 Rotation test 吸气性呼吸困难 Inspiratory dyspnea 先天性胆脂瘤 Congenital cholesteatoma 先天性耳前瘘管 Congenital preauricular fistula 纤维支气管镜 Fibrobronchoscope 纤维食道镜 Fibrolaryngoscope 显微喉镜 Microlaryngoscope 腺样体炎 Adenoiditis 腺样体切除术 Adenoidectomy 嗅神经 Olfactory functional test 嗅觉检查法 Olfactory functional test 悬雍垂腭咽成形术 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 血管运动性鼻炎 Vasomotor rhinitis 习服疗法 Retraining therapy 牙源性上颌窦炎 odontogenic maxillary sinusitis 咽鼓管 Pharyngotympanic tube or Eustachian tube 咽隐窝 Pharyngeal recess 咽炎 Pharyngitis 咽旁间隙 Parapharyngeal space 言语疾病 Speech disorder 岩部炎 Petrositis 岩尖综合征 Orbital apex syndrome 眼震电图 Eletronystagmograpy 乙状窦血栓性静脉炎 Sigmoid sinus thrombophlebitis 砧骨 Incus 中鼻甲 Middle turbinate 中鼻道 Middle meatus 助听器 Hearing aid 姿势描记法 Posturography 自描听力计测听法 Bekesy audiometry 自发性眼震 Spontaneous nystagmus 自身免疫性内耳病 Autoimmune inner ear disease 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome 真菌病 Mycosis 中耳炎 Otitis media 肉芽性 granulomatous 胆脂瘤 cholesteatoma 本文关键字:耳鼻喉科专业名词 上一篇:医学翻译网|放疗医学词汇-英语词汇 下一篇:神经病学专业词汇-英语翻译词汇 |