烧伤病房 Burn ward
烧伤病人 Burn patient 烧伤病人家庭紧急处理法 urgent treatment for burn patient in family 烧伤病人饮食 Burn patient diet 烧伤病人转送 transportation of burn patient 烧伤并发症 Complication of burn 烧伤残余创面 Residual burn wound 烧伤充血带 burn congestion zone 烧伤处理 Burn care 烧伤创面 Burn wound 烧伤创面处理 Management of burn wound 烧伤创面开放暴露疗法 open method treatment of burn 烧伤创面脓毒症 Burn wound sepsis 烧伤创面愈合 Burn wound healing 弹力绷带 Elastic bandage 烧伤毒素 Burn toxin 烧伤分类 Classification of burn 烧伤敷料 Burn dressing 烧伤敷料交换 Burn dressing change 烧伤感染 Infection of burn 烧伤高代谢 burn hypermetabolism 烧伤膏 Burn cream 烧伤合并脊髓损伤 burn combined with spinal injury 烧伤合并中毒 burn combined with poisoning 烧伤后负氮平衡 negative nitrogen balance after burn 烧伤后爪形手 clawhand after burn 烧伤急诊处理 emergency management of burn 烧伤监护病房 BCU; burn care unit 烧伤焦痂 burn eschar 烧伤康复 burn rehabilitation 烧伤面积 burn surface area 烧伤面积的单位 UBS;units of burn surface 烧伤面积估计 estimation of burn area 烧伤面积手掌估算法 palm method for estimation of burn surface area 烧伤深度 depth of burn 烧伤深度估计 assessment of depth of the burn wound 烧伤体表面积 Burned Surface Area 烧伤性挛缩 burn contracture 烧伤性休克 burn shock 烧伤学 burns, study of burns 烧伤植皮 grafting for burns 烧伤中心 Burn center 烧伤瘢痕挛缩 burn scar contracture;burned cicatricial contracture 瘢痕挛缩 cicatricial contracture 切痂 excision of eschar 切痂术 eschar excision 瘢痕疙瘩 keloid 瘢痕体质 scar diathesis 削痂 eschar shaving 削痂术 Tangential excision of eschar;eschar shaving 深II度烧伤 Deep Second Degree Burns 浅II度烧伤 Superficial Second Degree Burns I度烧伤 first degree burns III度烧伤 Third degree burns IV度烧伤 Fourth degree burns 重度烧伤 major burn;severe burn;severe degree burn;severe[degree]burn 轻度烧伤 minor burn;mild[degree]burn 中度烧伤 moderate[degree]burn;second degree burn 碱烧伤 alkali burn 酸烧伤 acid burn 电烧伤 electric burn 电击伤 electric injury 放射性烧伤 radiation burn 化学烧伤 chemical burn 补液 fluid replacement; fluid infusion 补液疗法 fluid replacement therapy 补液量计算公式 fluid replacement formula 一度烧伤初期局部治疗 Initial local treatment of first degree burn 翻身床 Rotating bed 包扎疗法 occlusive dressing; treatment by bandage 病区 endemic area 门诊护士办公室 outpatient nurse’s office 门诊办公室 outpatient office 输液室 transfusion room 男厕所/女厕所/残疾人专用厕所 toilet for man/ toilet for woman/ handicapped used only 化验室 laboratory 外科治疗室 surgery therapeutic room 候诊室 waiting room 收费挂号处 registration & cashier office 主任办公室 director’s office 洗涤室 washing room 值班室 Duty room 药库 Pharmacy store 药房 Pharmacy 观察室 observation room 出入院处 out/in-patient department 医学整形科 department of plastic surgery 伤科 department of traumatology 换药室 dressing room 护士站 nursing station 检查治疗室 consulting & therapeutic room 诊室 consulting room 治疗室 therapeutic room 门诊手术室 outpatient operation room 检查室 examination room 女更衣室 female changing room 护士值班室 nurse’s duty room 医生办公室 doctor’s office B超室 B ultrasonic room 手术室 operation room 护士办公室 nurse’s office 男值班室/女值班室 duty room for man/ woman 示教办公室 teaching office 心电图室 electrocardiogram room 休克代偿期 compensatory stage of shock 休克期 shock stage 感染期 infective stage 康复期 stage of recovery; stage of rehabilitation 本文关键字:烧伤科专业名词 上一篇:诊断学名词-英语词汇 下一篇:整形外科专业名词-英语词汇 |