lac 紫草茸
laciniate kalanchoe herb 鸡爪三七 ladybell root 南沙参 lalang grass rhizome 白茅根 lance asiabell root 羊乳 lancelesf lily bulb / greenish lily bulb / low lily bulb 百合 langdu root 狼毒 largeflower jasmine flower 素馨花 largehead atractylodesrhizome 白术 largeleaf gentian root / 秦艽 straw-coloured gentian root largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome 升麻 lawn pennywort herb 天胡荽 leatherleaf mahonia stem chinese mahonia stem 功劳木 leech 水蛭 lemonfragrant angelica root 香白芷 lemongrass herb 香茅 lepidogrammitis herb 鱼鳖草 lesser galangal rhizome 高良姜 levant cotton root 棉花根 lightyellow sophora root 苦参 lilac daphne flower bud 芫花 lilyofthevalley herb 铃兰 limonite 禹余粮 lindley butterflybush herb 醉鱼草 lindley eupatorium herb 野马追 linear leaf speedwell 一支香 linear stonecrop herb 佛假草 linearstripe rabdosia herb 溪黄草 liquoric root 甘草 lithargite 密陀僧 little multibanded krait 金钱白花蛇 littleleaf indianmulberry herb 白眼藤 lobed actinostemma herb 盒子草 lobedfruit schizocapsarhizome 水田七 long pepper 筚茇 long stephania herb 粪箕笃 longhairy antenoron herb 金钱草 long-nosed pit viper 蕲蛇 longstamen onion bulb 薤白 longtube ground ivy herb 连钱草 loquat leaf 枇杷叶 lotus leaf 荷叶 lotus plumule 莲子心 lotus rhizome node 藕节 lotus seed pot 莲房 lotus stamen 莲须 lovely hemsleya root 雪胆 lowdaphne stringbush flower and leaf 黄芫花 lucid ganoderma 灵芝 luckynut thevetia seed 黄花夹竹桃 lunate peltate sundew herb 茅膏菜 lushan mountain barberry root 刺黄莲 lychee seed 荔枝核 madagascar periwinkle herb 长春花 magnetite 磁石 maifanite 麦饭石 malaytea scurfpea fruit 补骨脂 male fern rhizome 绵马贯众 malt 麦芽 manchurian lilac bark 暴马子皮 manchurian rhododendron leaf 照山白 manchurian tubergourd fruit 赤袍子 manchurian wildginger 细辛 manshurian dutchmanspipe stem 关木通 mantis egg-case 桑螵蛸 manyflower gueldenstaedtid herb 甜地丁 manyflowersolomonsealrhizome / siberian solomonseal rhizome / king solomonseal rhizome 黄精 manyprickle acanto-panax root 刺五加 mary rhododendron leaf and twig 紫花杜鹃 matteuccia fern rhizome 荚果蕨贯众 meadowrue root and rhizome 马尾连 medcinal evodia fruit 吴茱萸 medicated leaven 六神曲 medicinal changium root 明党参 medicinal cyathula root 川牛膝 medicinal indianmulberry root 巴戟天 medicine terminalia fruit 诃子 membranous milkvetch root / 黄芪 mongolian milkcetch root mexican tea herb 土荆芥 mile swertia herb 青叶胆 mirabilite 芒硝 moellendorf's spidemoss herb 地柏枝 mole cricket 蝼蛄 mongolian dandelion herb 蒲公英 mongolian snakegourd root 天花粉 mongollian thyme herb 地椒 motherwort fruit 茺蔚子 motherwort herb 益母草 mountain dragon 古山龙 mountain spicy tree fruit 毕澄茄 mountain yam rhizome 山萆解 mulberry fruit 桑椹 mulberry leaf 桑叶 mulberry twig 桑枝 mullein mightbrier leaf 假烟叶 mus covite 云母 musk 麝香 muskmelon base 甜瓜蒂 muskmelon seed 甜瓜子 muskroot-like semiaquilegia root 天葵子 myrrh 没药 nacre 珍珠母 nakedflower beautyberry leaf 裸花紫珠 nardostachyos root and rhizome 甘松 narrowleaf screwtree root 山芝麻 natant salvinia herb 槐叶苹 natural indigo 青黛 negundo chastetree fruit 黄荆子 negundo chastetree leaf 黄荆叶 ningpo yam rhizome 穿山龙 nutgrass galingale rhizome 香附 nutmeg 肉豆蔻 nux vomica 马钱子 obcordate raspberry root 黄锁梅 obscured homalomenarhizome 千年健 obtuseleaf cinnamon bark 山肉桂 officinal asparagus root 石刁柏 officinal magnolia bark 厚朴 omoto nipponlily rhizome 白河车 ophicslcite 花蕊石 opium 阿片 oriental bittersweet root 南蛇藤根 oriental blechnum fern rhizome 乌毛蕨贯众 oriental stephania root 白药子 oriental waterplantain rhizome 泽泻 orpiment 雌黄 ovalleaf dutchmanspipe root 通城虎 ovateleaf holly bark 救必应 ovientvine 青风藤 oyster shell 牡蛎 本文关键字:中草药药物中英文名称 |